Bro Development Projects

Here is a partial "wish list" list of Bro development projects. It's not meant to be exhaustive, and suggestions for additions will be welcome. If you want to work on one of these, that would be great, but it would be best to send email to vern at before doing so in order to coordinate in case others have already started working on them.


Simpler ones
Harder ones
  • Kazaa, SSH, NFS, statd, NIS, SNMP, X11, IP options
Already somewhat fleshed out, but need work to finish
  • SSL, Gnutella, DHCP, ICMP, TFTP, POP, BGP

Language and Event Engine Features


This is just the beginning of such a list: Please send in others as you notice them.

Attacks and Analysis

Likewise, this is just the beginning of such a list, please send in suggested additions:

Operational/Development Environment